25 Feb 2023

CNA Water Heater 2023

CNA Water -- CNA Talking point - Can My Water Heater Kill Me?

CNA Water Heater Deadly Hazard 2023

Homeone, a company specializing in water heater installations, was recently represented on CNA Talking Point to discuss the importance of proper water heater installation.

During the CNA Water Heater discussion, it was emphasized that instant water heaters can pose a serious safety hazard if not installed correctly by EMA Electrician Worker.

CNA Talking Point

CNA Talking Point - Can My Water Heater Kill Me?
CNA Talking Point - Can My Water Heater Kill Me?
CNA Talking Point - Can My Water Heater Kill Me?
Homeone Electrician Team

CNA Water Heater Discussion

Instant Water Heaters Electrocution : A Potential Hazard Without Proper Installation

Instant water heaters are gaining popularity due to their energy efficiency and compact size. However, not all instant water heaters are installed correctly, and poor installation can lead to serious safety hazards.

According to the Energy Market Authority, instant water heaters should only be installed by licensed electricians who are familiar with the relevant electrical codes and regulations. Improper installation can lead to electrical shocks or even electrocution.

If you are considering installing an instant water heater in your home, be sure to hire a Licensed Electrician to ensure proper installation. Don’t take chances with your family’s safety.

Instant Water Heater Fire Hazard
Instant Water Heater Fire Hazard

Storage Water Heaters Explode if Installed by Unlicesed Plumber

If you have a storage water heater, it’s even more important to hire a licensed plumber for installation. Storage water heaters store large amounts of hot water under pressure, which can be dangerous if not handled properly.

An improperly installed storage water heater can leak, burst, or even explode, causing property damage and injury.

Storage Water Heaters Can Explode if Installed by Unlicesed Plumber​
Storage Water Heaters Can Explode if Installed by Unlicesed Plumber​

PUB Licensed Plumber

Finally, after your water heater is installed, it’s crucial to submit it to PUB for approval. Section 40G of the Public Utilities Act 2001 requires all storage installations to be submitted to PUB for an Acknowledgment of Authorized Heater Replacement.

This ensures that your installation meets all relevant regulations and standards, providing peace of mind regarding the safety of the installation.

Acknowledgment of Authorized Heater Replacement by PUB.
Acknowledgment of Authorized Heater Replacement by PUB.

Don't Risk Your Safety: Hire a PUB Licensed Plumber for Your Water Heater Installation and Beware of Unlicensed Plumbers with Online Ads

In conclusion, it is imperative to prioritize the safety of your water heater installation. Engaging a PUB licensed plumber and submitting your installation to PUB for approval will guarantee that your water heater is installed safely and in full compliance with regulations.

It is worth noting that numerous unlicensed plumbers advertise their services online, with up to 9 out of 10 being unlicensed. Therefore, it is crucial to verify that your plumber is licensed by PUB and will undertake the necessary submission procedures after the installation.


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